Process multiple SVI calculations with findSVI and purrr


Heli Xu


May 31, 2023


Make a table for the requests

Based on the github issue, we’ll put the request information in a table for easier access/manipulation later.

df_request <- tribble(
  ~state, ~year, ~n,
  "AZ", 2015, 8,
  "AZ", 2016, 2,
  "AZ", 2017, 2,
  "AZ", 2018, 2,
  "AZ", 2019, 3,
  "FL", 2014, 4,
  "FL", 2015, 8,
  "GA", 2015, 8,
  "GA", 2016, 2,
  "GA", 2017, 2,
  "GA", 2018, 2,
  "GA", 2019, 3,
  "KY", 2012, 4,
  "KY", 2013, 4,
  "KY", 2014, 4,
  "KY", 2015, 8,
  "MA", 2013, 4,
  "MA", 2014, 4,
  "MA", 2015, 8,
  "MA", 2016, 2,
  "MA", 2017, 2,
  "NJ", 2012, 4,
  "NJ", 2013, 4,
  "NJ", 2014, 4,
  "NJ", 2015, 8,
  "NJ", 2016, 2,
  "NJ", 2017, 2,
  "NY", 2017, 4,
  "NY", 2018, 4
) %>%

state year
AZ 2015
AZ 2016
AZ 2017
AZ 2018
AZ 2019
FL 2014
FL 2015
GA 2015
GA 2016
GA 2017
GA 2018
GA 2019
KY 2012
KY 2013
KY 2014
KY 2015
MA 2013
MA 2014
MA 2015
MA 2016
MA 2017
NJ 2012
NJ 2013
NJ 2014
NJ 2015
NJ 2016
NJ 2017
NY 2017
NY 2018

Testing with one request entry

Using findSVI, we are retrieving ZCTA-level census data of AZ for 2018 and calculating SVI from the census data. Here we’ll only include all the ZCTAs(GEOIDs) and RPLs(SVI), leaving out the individual SVI variables and intermediate rankings.

# census_api_key("YOUR KEY GOES HERE")
data <- findSVI::get_census_data(2018, "zcta", "AZ")
result <- findSVI::get_svi(2018, data) %>% 
  select(GEOID, contains('RPL_theme')) %>% 
Rows: 405
Columns: 6
$ GEOID      <chr> "85003", "85004", "85006", "85007", "85008", "85009", "8501…
$ RPL_theme1 <dbl> 0.4025, 0.6177, 0.8405, 0.7722, 0.7646, 0.8633, 0.1418, 0.2…
$ RPL_theme2 <dbl> 0.0684, 0.0380, 0.3722, 0.7266, 0.2506, 0.5063, 0.0962, 0.1…
$ RPL_theme3 <dbl> 0.7063, 0.6076, 0.9038, 0.8506, 0.8886, 0.9620, 0.2253, 0.5…
$ RPL_theme4 <dbl> 0.7873, 0.8962, 0.9544, 0.9570, 0.9620, 0.9899, 0.6658, 0.7…
$ RPL_themes <dbl> 0.4911, 0.5848, 0.9089, 0.9013, 0.8532, 0.9595, 0.2582, 0.4…

It looks like findSVI is working.

Iterating all entries with purrr

Now we’ll use purrr with findSVI to iterate through all state-year combinations.


all_result <- df_request %>%
  group_by(row_number()) %>%
  group_map( ~ {
    year_tmp <- .x$year
    state_tmp <- .x$state
    cli_alert("starting pull for {state_tmp} - {year_tmp}")
    data <- findSVI::get_census_data(year_tmp, "zcta", state_tmp)
    result <- findSVI::get_svi(year_tmp, data) %>%
      select(GEOID, contains('RPL_theme')) %>%
      mutate(year  = year_tmp, state = state_tmp)
    cli_alert_success("Finished pull for {state_tmp} - {year_tmp}")
  }) %>% bind_rows()
GEOID RPL_theme1 RPL_theme2 RPL_theme3 RPL_theme4 RPL_themes year state
85003 0.5628 0.0477 0.7211 0.9724 0.6658 2015 AZ
85004 0.5327 0.0653 0.6457 0.9146 0.5955 2015 AZ
85006 0.8819 0.5578 0.9020 0.9598 0.9397 2015 AZ
85007 0.8116 0.7839 0.8819 0.9774 0.9523 2015 AZ
85008 0.7764 0.2060 0.8920 0.9673 0.8568 2015 AZ
85009 0.8844 0.5327 0.9573 0.9950 0.9724 2015 AZ
85012 0.2136 0.0553 0.4271 0.6457 0.3065 2015 AZ
85013 0.2663 0.0955 0.5804 0.7990 0.4146 2015 AZ
85014 0.4950 0.2638 0.6985 0.8342 0.6307 2015 AZ
85015 0.8040 0.6256 0.8467 0.9296 0.9070 2015 AZ
85016 0.4070 0.1131 0.6281 0.8442 0.5402 2015 AZ
85017 0.8543 0.6583 0.9246 0.9899 0.9648 2015 AZ
85018 0.2513 0.3593 0.5653 0.6533 0.4171 2015 AZ
85019 0.9196 0.6859 0.9296 0.7839 0.9196 2015 AZ
85020 0.4271 0.3166 0.6432 0.8065 0.5829 2015 AZ

First 15 rows of the result table are shown. In this table, “GEOID” represents the ZCTA, and “RPL_” columns are the corresponding theme-specific SVI and overall SVI. While results for all requests are summarized in one table, the ranking and calculation is done separately by each request entry (state-year combination). Complete SVI table including information for individual variables in each theme can be obtained with findSVI for specific state-year combination.