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get_svi() calculates and constructs an SVI table for a geographic level of interest based on CDC/ATSDR SVI documentation ( Briefly, by taking into account 4 themes of census variables that represent challenges in socioeconomic status, household characteristics, racial and ethnic minority status and housing/transportation, SVI uses percentile ranking within a region to indicate the relative social vulnerability of the geographic units (communities) in that region.


get_svi(year, data)



The year of interest (available 2012-2021), must match the year specified in retrieving census data.


The census data retrieved by get_census_data().


A tibble of SVI with rows representing geographic units, and columns indicating variable names (first two columns containing geographic information). For detailed description of the variable names (column names), please refer to CDC/ATSDR documentation.


if (FALSE) { # Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") != ""
# Census API key required
 pa2018 <- get_census_data(
    year = 2018,
    geography = "county",
    state = "PA")

 get_svi(2018, pa2018)