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find_svi() is like a wrapper for get_census_data() and get_svi() that retrieves census data and produces SVI for one or multiple years(s) and state(s). For multiple year-state entries, SVI is obtained from percentile rankings for each entry and summarised into one table. Note that a Census API key is required for this function to work, which can be obtained at and set up using tidycensus::census_api_key().


find_svi(year, state = NULL, geography, key = NULL, full.table = FALSE)



A vector containing years of interest (available 2012-2022). Length >=1. Acting as pairs with state, year should be of the same length as state. The exception is when it's a single year entry (length 1), other than providing one state of interest, supply state = NULL as default or state = 'US' retrieves and processes nation level data to obtain SVI.


A vector containing states of interest. Length >=0. Length 0 (state = NULL), or state = 'US' must be used with single year argument, when SVI is calculated from nation-level census data. In other cases, state must have the same elements as year (same length).


One geography level of interest for all year-state combination (e.g."county", "zcta", "tract").


Your Census API key. Obtain one at To set up, use tidycensus::census_api_key("YOUR KEY GOES HERE"), or include it as an argument.


Default as FALSE, returning SVI table with only "GEOID", and SVI for each theme and all themes. If set as TRUE, a full SVI table with individual SVI variables and intermediate ranking calculations are also included in addition to the theme-related SVIs (similar style to tables from CDC/ATSDR database(


A tibble of summarised SVI for one or multiple year-state combination(s) of interest. Rows represent the geographic units, and columns represent its SVI for each theme and all themes. Additional two columns at the end indicate the corresponding state and year information. For full.table = TRUE, estimated count and percentage values for individual SVI variables are also included. For description of variable names (column names), please refer to CDC/ATSDR documentation (


if (FALSE) { # Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") != ""
# Census API key required
# For one year-state entry
      year = 2019,
      state = "AZ",
      geography = "county"

# For multiple year-state pairs
## All ZCTAs for 2017-AZ; 2017-DE; and 2018-DC
year <- c(2017, 2017, 2018)
state <- c("AZ", "DE", "DC")
info <- data.frame(year, state)

      year = info$year,
      state = info$state,
      geography = "zcta"
