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get_svi_x() calculates and constructs an SVI table for a customized geographic level of interest based on CDC/ATSDR SVI documentation ( By supplying a crosswalk (relationship table) between a Census geographic level and a customized geographic level, census data are summed across the customized geographic units, and SVI is calculated accordingly to indicate the relative social vulnerability of the geographic units (communities).


get_svi_x(year, data, xwalk)



The year of interest (available 2012-2021), must match the year specified in retrieving census data.


The census data retrieved by get_census_data().


A crosswalk (relationship table) between the Census geographic level and the customized geographic level of interest. A crosswalk between US counties and commuting zones cty_cz_2020_xwalk is included as an example, and please set the column names of the crosswalk as follows:


Identifiers for the Census geographic level. Must contain values from GEOID column in data, and be in a compatible data type (character).


Identifiers (characters or numeric values) for the customized geographic level that is larger geographic than the Census geographic level. The Census geographic level should be nested in the customized geographic level.


An optional column of the names or description of the customized geographic level.


A tibble of SVI with rows representing the customized geographic units (with a column name of GEOID), and columns indicating variable names (first two columns containing geographic information). For detailed description of the variable names (column names), please refer to CDC/ATSDR documentation.

See also

get_svi() for SVI calculation from census data at a Census geographic level, and find_svi() for retrieving census data and calculating SVI for multiple year-state pairs.


if (FALSE) { # Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") != ""
# Census API key required
cty2020 <- get_census_data(
    year = 2020,
    geography = "county",
    exp = TRUE

get_svi_x(year = 2020, data = cty2020, xwalk = cty_cz_2020_xwalk)